Comic-Con, scheduled for the week after Pride, is the city’s single biggest convention and while expected to cancel as well, it has yet to make a formal announcement. “īilled as the largest civic event in the region, the combination rally, two-day festival and Saturday parade lands in a month that is normally chock full of hugely popular events that draw throngs of people from well beyond San Diego. “We have been saying as an organization for about a month now that Pride would not continue unless it’s safe and healthy to do so but on Tuesday we received guidance from the governor that for the foreseeable future mass gatherings of any kind would not be possible,” said San Diego Pride Executive Director Fernando Lopez.
Gavin Newsom’s Tuesday news conference where he made clear that major events attracting large numbers of people are unlikely to occur this summer. Organizers on Thursday announced the cancellation of the July 17-19 event, a decision that was solidified following Gov. San Diego Pride, an annual July tradition that draws as many as 350,000 people over the course of the three-day celebration, will not be held this year in deference to an ongoing statewide prohibition of large gatherings designed to prevent the spread of COVID-19.